the hand of dooser

Thursday, August 04, 2005

it was suggested to me to start a journal about the incident i've been involved in. a few background information:

incident occurred 07/28 at approximately 11:30am
stitches in the er for middle and ring finger about 2:30 / st clare's hospital, schenectady, ny
plastic surgery for index finger approximately 5:00 by dr. schingo and dr. fox

08/02 8:50
checkup with dr schingo, re-bandage

you will notice i'm typing without caps. i'm typing with one hand which is difficult, though i guess it is faster, probably, than some people two handed.

college starts in less than a month. if i have to do this with one hand, it;s going to be very difficult. even so, my outlook on everything is so changed it's going to be difficult.

i guess this post should cover some things that happened previously.

sunday was my graduation party. there were so many people that some i didnt even get a chance to greet. with such a big thing having happened to me just a few days before the party, i was somewhat out of touch with things. for instance: someone showed me their new cell phone, i barely remember it. many other things i remember vaguely as well. usually i remember things extremely well, sometimes too well. some may argue it's the lortab. but even now when i'm barely using it, i have the same tyoe of memory experiences. i know my body and my mind very well. enough to be in touch with what drugs to do them. my lack of memory is due in fact to the thoughts and drama of the ordeal and not of the drug.

im talking to brittney. plus writing seems to help. until next time

-the hand of dooser